The Sacristy
Between the chapel of Saints Dominic and Hyacinth and the monument to Demetrio Canevari is the passage to the sacristy: it is accessed through a small atrium with a vault decorated with symbols of the Evangelists, painted by a Ligurian painter between 1450 and 1452.
Passing through the portal, built in 1452 by Leonardo Riccomanno (1431-1472) to a design by Giovanni Gagini, one enters the large room, which is presented in its 18th-century arrangement with walnut furniture completed in 1738 by Stefano Porcile: the altarpiece with St. Sebastian is by Giuseppe Palmieri (c. 1677 – 1740), to whom we also owe the painting with the Preaching of St. Vincent. Next to the entrance portal is a polychrome wooden sculptural group depicting Our Lady of the City Worshipped by St. Bernard from the mid-18th century from the destroyed oratory dedicated to the saint.